DSCC offers students a variety of resources designed to aid them in career exploration, employment searches, and the development of skills such as resume writing and interviewing. Appointments with career counselors are available at the Dyersburg Campus, the Jimmy Naifeh Center and by Zoom.
Explore the following resources to find your career match, improve your interview skills or get help with your job search.

Students interested in exploring careers that match their interests should take a career assessment.

Our Career Counseling professionals are happy to review your resume and cover letter.

Practice interviewing to prepare for that career you have been working hard to reach. Click below to access Big Interview and register with a username and password for more information. You can even record your answers to the interviewer's questions and evaluate how well you answered the questions! Start practicing now!

Our professionals can help you perform a job search and create a networking action plan. Learn more by clicking the link below.
Sign up with Career Coach to take the interest assessment to learn more about possible career options that are right for you. You can take a 6 question or a 60 question assessment. With a Career Coach account, you can return to find your saved information at any time.
DSCC has many Associate degree programs as well as Certificate programs to help prepare for your career.
Visit any of the three DSCC Learning Resource Centers or the Tipton County Public Library to research career information for many occupations.
- Over 250, one-page descriptions of occupations
- Fast and easy Career Exploration all in one place
- Also found at https://www.bls.gov/ooh/
- Get the app https://www.bls.gov/ooh/about/app.htm
DSCC has many degree program choices:
- Associate of Applied Science (designed for 2 years and to the workforce)
- Associate degrees (designed for transfer to a 4-year university)
- Tennessee Transfer Pathways
- University Parallel
- Associate of Science in Teaching
- Certificate Programs (in as little 12 to 43 credit hours)
- https://www.dscc.edu/career-counseling
- Resume/Cover letter writing
- Shadow/Internship Placement
- Interview Assistance
- Job Search for Employment Opportunities
- DSCC Career Toolkit
Assessments give added insight to your interests while setting goals that are right for you! These sites also provide supportive materials with a wide variety of free tools and resources to benefit you throughout the college experience and into the workforce!
Local assessments and resources for job seekers:
- Jobs4TN https://www.jobs4tn.gov/
- Northwest TN Workforce Board https://www.nwtnjobs.org/
National assessments and resources for job seekers:
- Career One Stop https://www.careeronestop.org/
- Get My Future https://www.careeronestop.org/GetMyFuture
Schedule your Career Counseling appointment on Appointment Plus at https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/41yq07z0/
Carol Pham, BSW, MS
Career Counselor
901-475-3105 (office)
Carmen Pfeifer, MA, NCC, LPC
Counselor/Career Services Coordinator
901-475-3137 (office)
In-person, Zoom, and phone appointments available.